This is a page made for Kelly to post her pictures in a secure serverless static website. this is the second attempt, read first attempt below;
1st attempt:
-created static files using hugo https://themes.gohugo.io/: -uploaded them to Github -used AWS codebuild to run a sync to an s3 bucket (later removed this) -purchased domain -created records in Route53 -created Cloudfront distribution –note: need to ensure used rest api endpoint rather than usding the bucket to serve the files -used lambda@Edge function to create a redirect for the uri(see:https://dev.to/starpebble/hosting-the-hugo-quickstart-project-on-aws-cloudfront-with-lambda-edge-5g5f) restrict access, to ensure only able to view via Cloudfront
The plan is to just get the text from her and the images and i will push it to github, lambda will detect, spin up lambda instance of hugo and create static files to serve.
2nd attempt:
-I simply used Netlify to pull hugo generated files from Github -still using Route 53 to point to Netlify dns -continuous deployment
Much easier and convinient.